My name is Ian Morris and for the past two Summers I have been a summer missionary at Forward Bible Camp, and I have loved it. I have grown up my whole life at Camp, with both my parents leading the ministry and living on the property, I have had firsthand experience on what God can do through this camp. I have seen kids that did not have a personal connection with Jesus accept him as their Savior after an incredibly impactful chapel session, I have seen kids that go to church weekly grow to an even stronger relationship with Jesus all because a cabin leader sat down and prayed with them.
One memory I have of this was right after a cabin talk, we were praying and one of the kids in the cabin started crying, he said he realized his family hadn’t been going to church or reading their bibles and he wanted to change that, he said that when he got home he was going to ask his parents if they could go to church more often and start reading his bible in his free time. These are the reasons I love serving at camp, We get to make a difference in these kids’ lives.
As a Summer Missionary I have done almost everything, from pool cleaning and maintenance to chapel sound and video. I look forward to taking part in these supportive roles again this year, without them we would not be able to provide the same environment for kids to grow their relationship with God. Alongside these simpler jobs We are given a mini sermon to teach at one of the daily chapels, even though it is only thirty minutes long I try to put as much into the sermon as possible, I want it to be relatable to the kids without getting off topic. I have been reading my Bible and praying more than ever in preparation for this sermon. This year my sermon is focused on recognizing that all creation sings praises to God.
I am ready to be amazed by the ways God will work through me and the other Summer Missionaries beside me this summer. My goal is to raise $1,000 in support. I will be working 8 weeks and will be working more than full time, so please pray for energy and an encouraging spirit as I serve. I pray this newsletter finds you in as much joy as I am in, thank you for your prayers and support.
-Ian Morris
You can send your (non tax-deductible) checks to
Forward Bible Camp c/o Ian Morris 10321 Wentworth Springs Road Georgetown CA 95634